The Big Build Veterans’ Special
Aired on BBC 1 on 14th & 21st October
Nick Knowles and the DIY SOS Team transformed an entire Street in Manchester, turning empty properties into homes for Armed Forces Veterans. In addition they landscaped the East Manchester streets they belong to.
To assist with this incredible project, we donated the following services:-
- Power to all site cabins
- The installation of transformers and temporary lighting to all houses
- Paul Holyoak, our NICEIC Test Engineer, 6 days on site services. Paul carried out electrical installation works and testing duties
- Last minute electrical materials, so the project could be complete and ready for the big reveal
Terry Taber, Wingate Business Development Director quoted: “We were delighted to have been part of this massive project, and without everyone pulling together the goal would simply not have been achieved, so a big thanks to all involved”.