The Environment

We believe that environmental issues are of great importance. Consequently Wingate is committed to implementing and maintaining a BS:14001 environmental management system that delivers continual improvement, prevents pollution and demonstrates friendly environmental performance suited to the nature and scale of its activities, products and services.

We achieve excellent environmental standards by:

  • Complying and whenever appropriate exceeding legal requirements, relevant standards and practices
  • Maintaining documentation and records, including management review minutes, that support implementation and maintenance of these objectives
  • Communicating, briefing and training both Wingate personnel and those working for the company in our environmental objectives, systems and actions appropriate to their activities and interaction with Wingate
  • Making our environmental policy available to everyone via the company’s website www.wingate.co.uk
  • Continually striving to improve our environmental performance, whether through waste reduction, energy efficient products and systems or by using sustainable sources for raw materials
  • Examining the effects impacts and lifecycle of the materials we use
  • Reduce Paper whenever possible through the integration of our ESH Software and app