Wingate assists DIY SOS

Wingate assist DIY SOS

Wingate assist DIY SOS

The Big Build Veterans’ Special
Aired on BBC 1 on 14th & 21st October

Nick Knowles and the DIY SOS Team transformed an entire Street in Manchester, turning empty properties into homes for Armed Forces Veterans. In addition they landscaped the East Manchester streets they belong to.

To assist with this incredible project, we donated the following services:-

  • Power to all site cabins
  • The installation of transformers and temporary lighting to all houses
  • Paul Holyoak, our NICEIC Test Engineer, 6 days on site services. Paul carried out electrical installation works and testing duties
  • Last minute electrical materials, so the project could be complete and ready for the big reveal

Terry Taber, Wingate Business Development Director quoted: “We were delighted to have been part of this massive project, and without everyone pulling together the goal would simply not have been achieved, so a big thanks to all involved”.

Wingate assist DIY SOS

Wingate site personnel awarded top health & safety awards at BSKYB


Craig Rogers, our Project Manager at BskyB has come up with innovative new ideas that have helped towards improving safety and has presented his findings to the Mace/BskyB Strategic Leadership team. As a result, he has won CCS innovation competition which was organised by Sky and also the highest purple HS&E badge which has never previously been awarded.

Jamie Hall, our Electrician won the second highest Orange Badge, and he too was the first person to receive such an award from Sky. This involved taking it upon himself to work extra hours to make the building water tight before a huge down pour of rain was forecast. His second initiative was when a HV Transformer de-energised and the entire site was left without power. Jamie worked into the evening to ensure the HV Transformer was re-energised so that the site supply was restored and back to normal for work to resume the following day.

Wingate site awarded top health & safety awards at BSKYB

Recent Project Success

Further illustrating the diverse range of sectors that we operate in and our constant strive for improvement, we are pleased to announce that we have recently been awarded the following national projects:

  • London Underground, Ruislip Depot, Clancy Docwra
  • One Blackfriars, London, Brookfield Multiplex
  • 33 King William Street, London, HB Reavis
  • Rathbone Square, London, Lend Lease
  • Nissan XL Line Press Shop, Sunderland, Sir Robert McAlpine
  • Bracknell Regeneration, Berkshire, Mace
  • Ferrybridge Power Station, West Yorkshire, HzL
  • Burbo Bank On-Shore Sub-Station, St. Asaph, Balfour Beatty Construction Services
  • Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morrison Construction
  • Astra Zeneca, Cambridge, Skanska

Safestow 3 – Gas assisted ladder loading system

We recognised that accessing ladders and materials stored on the roof racks of our vans involves working at height and manual handling problems.

Roof racks that slide and tilt were researched and two versions were purchased for trials. Due to the positive feedback from the trials, this type of rack will now feature on all new additions to our fleet of vehicles, removing the need to work at height when loading or unloading and drastically reducing the manual handling involved.


Rhino Products have recently launched their next generation Safestow®. This is designed from the ground upwards and makes loading and unloading ladders on to light commercial vehicles faster, easier and safer than ever before. The features include:-

  • Safe loading and unloading in seconds
  • Manufactured from highly robust aluminium and stainless steel components
  • Fully adjustable to carry most ladder types
  • Secure and lockable
  • 20g crash tested TUV approved
  • Five way easy adjustable settings to optimise the resistance of the gas rams to the weight of ladders for loading/unloading different weights
  • Ultra low overall height, with all gas rams remaining horizontal in operation
  • Brass bushes and fully sealed roller bearings used throughout to ensure an effortless gliding action when operated
  • Highly rigid and torsional strength design

Safestow 3

Recent staff appointments

Recent staff appointments

We are pleased to announce the following new appointments for members of our Senior Management Team. These appointments reflect the Main Board’s commitment to strengthen the team at senior level as the company continues it’s planned growth through continued client service delivery.

Matthew Cummings: Main Board Director

Danny Ayrton: Regional Director,  North England and Glasgow

Andy Roberts: Regional Director, Europe

Darren Borg: Regional Director, London

Marc Fox: Regional Director, South and Midlands

Health & Safety

We are committed to Health & Safety for every member of our workforce and all those who are involved in the services we provide – in addition we are particularly focused on our annual apprenticeship intake as Health & Safety training for them is as important as becoming a qualified electrician.

Working with JTL we have demonstrated this commitment and are pleased to announce we have received their ‘certificate of employer commitment to Health and Safety for apprentices’.

We achieve this through our Health & Safety team who provide our apprentices with their initial induction into the company and then regular one to one meetings within their work environment.